At times in our life, there’s something that hinders us from being naturally our self, happy, peaceful, friendly, polite, and humble. Might be the most crucial problem we face is the intellectual arrogance or the attitude or the way we perceive ourselves or the great little word EGO.
This pretty little word ego is a Latin word which means “I” is a psychological term derived by Freud “that part of us which is experienced in perceptive relationship with the outside world”. Until the ego is balanced and healthy everything is fine.
Otherwise the source of all emotional pain is Ego.
Disconnecting Ego is the hardest thing in one’s life. As and when we identify or recognize our ego it still becomes much harder to disconnect it and it causes only pain and nothing else.
Beware of the moment that ego takes over you, and let it not conquer you, rather anchor yourself in the present and turn off the mind. Laughing out loudly is simple joy and an easiest way to become ego less. Just honestly being you is another excellent mode of being ego less, not having to be some one, or to be accepted by some one.
We have to break up our assumptions about the world and start rethinking or rebuilding it keeping “I” out of it. So “I”decide the ego’s life. Life is magical, paranormal, mysterious and completely creative with full of experiences. Life’s experiences will help you to change the way of thinking about self. Instead of caring much about our own perceptions about ourselves, care about how others have perceived us.
If we continue with the great ego and not ready to crack it then, we just move further mercilessly stepping on others and hurting the emotions, minds and hearts of the people who are closer to us which I hope nobody would like to do. Keep in mind Ego is never permanent. It could be conquered, controlled, cracked and of course killed too. Only “I” can either kill or keep alive ego.